First, we listened to our customers.
They told us they did not have enough room in their crowded work truck and equipment to store traditional bulky oil and fuel spill kits.
In the photo below, the worker tries to handle five outdated 5-gallon oil spill kits. What a pain. No one has room enough in their trucks for these portly pouches.
Second, we discovered the family of Spilltration oil and fuel absorbent fibers that were very compressible.
These could be squeezed into compact, lightweight small as 1/5th their original size. And, then they could rebound when unsqueezed. See the photo below of uncompressed Spilltration materials on the left and the compressed products on the right.
Third, we developed a proprietary process to squeeze all the air from the Spilltration pads and towels.
At the same time we are squeezing them, we extract every last bit of air from our custom packaging and double seal them to prevent atmospheric intrusion. We call our process "Smoosh Packaging".
In the photo below, you can see the same worker with five compact, lightweight SmooshKits that each will expand and absorb up to 5 gallons of oil and fuel spills.
Imagine the space you can save in your vehicles and mobile equipment and still be prepared for those accidental oil or fuel spills.
Please watch the short video below to learn about all the advantages to having SmooshKits on hand in the event of an oil or fuel spill...especially when it's raining.
Thanks to ISHN and their readers for selecting SmooshKit brand for the #1 Spill Kit in 2018. To learn more, visit